
Monday, September 21, 2009

A Couple of Bells Bend Programs This Week That Would Be Hard to Hold near a Bustling Town Center

Some unique opportunities are afoot nearby this week thanks to Metro Parks.

First for star gazers:
Join members of Nashville’s “Barnard-Seyfert Astronomical Society” and “Middle Tennessee Space Society” including a high-tech mobile observatory called “The Astronomy Channel” at Bell’s Bend Nature Center on Friday evening September 25th, from 8:00-10:00pm for a FREE night under the stars.

Weather permitting, a short program update on NASA’s current missions to the Moon will be provided leading up to full darkness when several telescopes will be present to view objects in the night sky including our Moon, Jupiter, Gaseous Nebulae & Star Clusters in our own Milky Way, and possibly even other galaxies. The Moon and Jupiter will especially be highlighted on this night where Jupiter's Great Red Spot will be visible about 9pm and onward and Hadley Rille next to the Apollo 15 landing site on our own Moon may also be visible.

The program is a learning experience geared for ages 8 and up, but younger children will also enjoy viewing through the telescopes. The mobile observatory is designed to aid those who have trouble using telescope eyepieces or have impaired vision and is also handicap accessible. If you can watch TV, you can observe with this telescope!

Questions will be answered by the astronomy and space enthusiasts present. Come discover your universe with us!

Rain will definitely cancel the program.

Second, you can get your Audubon on to help Parks document the various species of birds that call the Bend home:
Please join us at Bells Bend Outdoor Center to observe the fall migratory birds and year-round residents. Observations will be recorded to help us monitor the species living at the park, particularly the rarer field species. All hikes begin at the outdoor center at 7:30 A.M. Dates are as follows:

Thursday, September 24 Leader: Metro Park staff and volunteers

Friday, September 25 Leader: Kevin Bowden

Friday, October 2 Leader: Chris Sloan

Please call (615) 862-4187 to register

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