
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New hyper-local blog launched to publish neighbors stories that mainstream media ignores

An anonymous blogger has started Districtfive Blog to publicize the stories of CM Pam Murray's constituents that professional journalists will not. The author contends that there are more reasons for CM Murray's recall than just zone changes and her trips to work in Detroit.

The first installment alleges that CM Murray has attempted to rescue merchants suspected of selling "crack pipe craft kits" from beer board judgments to suspend their beer licenses. CM Murray is also accused of blaming neighbors who attempted to stop the drug trade in District 5 for driving out businesses. The allegations also include the insinuation that CM Murray has accepted at least one campaign contribution from a drug paraphernalia merchant without reporting it to the Election Commission.


  1. Hey, Mike,

    Looks like you could contribute to this little story.

    How about an "Enclave's Review of Pam Murray?"

    For the last few years, your site has been a clearing house for all the mendacity and muck of this Councilperson. You could tie all of your posts about her up in one neat blogging for the benefit of your readers.

  2. FYI to those that tried to leave a comment at the new Districtfive Blog: you should be able to do so anonymously now. Thanks!
