
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Even though Metro budget overages seem to be multiple, they're back to singling out Parks

Once again the Tennessean is heeling to the Metro Finance Director's latest criticism of Metro Parks' budget overages. A few days ago it was made clear that Parks was not the only department to overspend their budget, but that their transgression was failing to notify pit boss Rich Riebeling so that he could give them the "supplemental funds" he was giving other overspending departments. Apparently the "failure-to-communicate" criticism has no traction because both the Dean Administration and the mainstream press are back to focusing strictly on Parks' overages. Oh, the humanity!

The Tennessean's video clip of the Parks employees' lay-off fall-out:


  1. Very confusing. i can't quite figure out why you're supporting Roy Wilson. Parks is a mess right now. The laying off employees was a fiasco that had to recalled twice. The hiring of an employee that didn't pass his background check and then assaulted a child, and the state of the sportsplex are just some examples. You might need to research this a little more.

  2. I'm not supporting Roy Wilson. Anyone who reads this blog consistently knows that I am a vocal critic of Roy Wilson. I'm supporting Parks and fighting the perception that Parks is the only department to go over budget. You seem to be conflating Parks with Roy Wilson.
