
Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Hollin Effect (or "The difference 2 votes can make")

According to a report received from the Cleveland Park neighborhood e-list, Public Works has been in District 5 every day this week "cleaning up alleys and hauling off the junk". Reportedly, people have not witnessed Public Works tending Cleveland Park in these ways in the past. One resident checked with CM Jamie Hollin and found out that he had prompted Public Works' response after approaching the Mayor's Office.

On the one hand, District 5 neighborhoods are thankfully enjoying the benefits of replacing neglectful CM Pam Murray. On the other hand, why should it take a special appeal from a CM to the Mayor's Office to get help from Public Works in cleaning up illegal dumping in public alleys? Was Public Works ignoring direct neighborhood appeals when Ms. Murray was in office?

1 comment:

  1. Mike - I am really curious to know what benefit these alleyways in your area actually provide. They seem to be the escape route of choice for all manner of thieves and, as you point out, a refuse dump. How about the city cedes these alleys by splitting right down the middle to the homeowners and eliminate 50 % of the pathways for the criminal fringe?
