
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

2010 Nashville flood: Jon Stewart's take


  1. Not quite sure how to take that.

    I mean, I know it's a comedy show, but I don't see where that helped Nashville at all. Nor do I see that it was even the intention to help raise awareness.

    Stewart's been slipping lately. He attacks Maddow and the Olbermench. Now he seemingly makes light of the flooding....

    May be that after all these years, Jon's Liberal, concern troll stage persona is getting cracks in it's armor.
    He's a tremendous talent. But I've always believed that he was more show than genuine Liberal.

    Could be wrong. Hope so.

  2. I loved his report on nashville's flood. When things get as rough as they are in a community hit with tragedy such as Nashville, sometimes making light of the situation helps the coping process. I wasn't personally affected by the flood, but those I helped clean up found that humour was a way to not be constantly reminded of this tragedy.
    Stewart offered his own sort of condolences for nashvillians and I thank him for the coverage.

  3. I loved his report on nashville's flood. When things get as rough as they are in a community hit with tragedy such as Nashville, sometimes making light of the situation helps the coping process. I wasn't personally affected by the flood, but those I helped clean up found that humour was a way to not be constantly reminded of this tragedy.
    Stewart offered his own sort of condolences for nashvillians and I thank him for the coverage.

    Sorry, don't have an account here, so I guess I am anonymous.
