
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nashville Flood: The Sequel

After as much as 10 inches of rain overnight in some areas of Middle Tennessee, the Cumberland River is expected to crest near 40' (flood level) by midnight tonight. For those of living blocks away from the Cumberland, this is a cause for concern given that the some of the industrial areas that stand between us and the river will flood tonight.

Metro's private contractor, Hands on Nashville, is organizing volunteers to sandbag.

UPDATE: Art Rogue lives in one of the flood-prone industrial areas around the Cumberland, and he reports on the rising river below in the comments section of this post. He also links to a video made during the May flood from his home. We welcome further updates from Art Rogue.

If anyone else reading Enclave lives close to the river, please update us in the comments section below or send me an e-mail and I'll post it here.

UPDATE: CM J.R. Hollin posted the following video of the rising Cumberland taken earlier today from shore:

UPDATE: Art Rogue has posted his own YouTube video of rising Cumberland:

UPDATE: Here's video I took a couple of hours ago of the Cumberland rising up to the trail along our hyper-local greenway:


  1. I live in the industrial area just outside of downtown. I'm looking at the cumberland about 40 yards away from my desk. It's getting closer to the bank. Luckily my place is on the second level. In may the river rose to just 6 inches below my floor.

  2. Funny. That video looks like it was taken in the back of my building, again, about 40 yards from the flickr video I posted in my previous comment.

    I think I saw that guy in the back when I was walking my dogs.

    I took this video probably right after his

  3. In August of all months. It is supposed to be dry this month - well, historically.
