
Thursday, October 07, 2010

She's the best political blogger in Nashville, too

Thank goodness for the prospect of lots of beer at Germantown's Oktoberfest this weekend to help drown out the annual rumpity-rumpus that is the Nashville Scene's "Best of Nashville: Politics and Media Portion." But they do get high marks for one blog-worthy pick via Jeff Woods:
Emily Evans watches out for taxpayers by asking tough questions of people in power. She took the lead in criticizing Mayor Karl Dean's financing plan for the new convention center, calling it a "riverboat gamble." She fought for a fairer stormwater fee system, one that didn't let big run-off producers like Opry Mills and Wal-Mart off the hook. She lost both battles, and her persistence has rankled some colleagues, who accuse her of grandstanding for publicity. Of the convention center debate, the council member from Hillwood says, "This was a policy debate, not an election. ... I still disagree with the policy, but I hope it's successful."
What Jeff fails to mention is that her diligence and persistence probably cost her a spot on the right-hand side of Diane Neighbors' throne with the sheep who were appointed to powerful council committee spots this year. And what about the time the "progressive" Mayor's Office sent out a booty call to Eagle Forum for a neo-conservative candidate to run against the insolent West Nashville CM?

I haven't always agreed with CM Evans and I thought she was flat out wrong on a couple of issues, but I have enthusiastically documented here her loyal opposition in the fight to try and leverage spots for all of us at the Mayor's table when the pie is divvied.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    Thank you for the kind words. My blogging pales in comparison to yours and others. I mostly try to use it as a tool to keep people informed about things going on in the district and the city.

    I am grateful for the way local bloggers pick up the slack on issues that may not warrant paper and ink or are just to early in their formation for the general readership to grasp. (A fact recently acknowledged by a veteran journalist who is an avid reader of your blog)

    Remember, it wouldn't be politics if there was no debate. I strive to make sure my end of the discussion is informed, principled and honest. I believe the Scene's honor is some reflection on my effort to accomplish those things.


