
Monday, November 15, 2010

Mission accomplished: Metro Nashville Public Schools leaves their service workers in rubble

Some of us warned months ago that Nashville's public school service workers would be worse off once Schools Director Jesse Register's secret mission to outsource jobs and to bust the union was accomplished. It did not take very long at all:
Hundreds of former Metro School custodians now working for a company outsourced to do the work said they're getting a raw deal.

One woman, who didn't want to be identified, worked for Metro Schools for nearly a decade.

In June, when the custodians were laid off and the work was outsourced to GCA Services, she was hired back on.

In exchange for the contract with Metro Schools, GCA Services promised that it would hire on some of those laid off custodians.

But out of 600 workers, only 200 were given jobs. GCA also promised to pay comparable wages, and offer benefits. But workers who were hired saID they took a 30 percent pay cut.

"I can't afford to pay the bills it's a drastic cut from 16 all the way down to 13 that's a drastic cut," the woman who didn't want to be identified said.

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