
Thursday, May 12, 2011

CRIME ALERT: rash of thefts in Hope Gardens

According to the Hope Gardens elist this morning there have been a string of car break-ins and storage-shed thefts along the 900th block of Phillips Street recently. Police advise residents to lock vehicles and hide valuables, particularly GPS devices. MNPD will be stepping up crime reduction activities in the neighborhood over the weekend.

There is always the chance that stepped up police patrols in one North End neighborhood can lead to criminals relocating to other parts of the community. Hope Gardens' outbreak of crime should be cause for all of us to be vigilant for overflow illegal activity and to report any suspicious activity we see to MNPD.

We learned a long time ago in East Nashville not to keep valuables in our vehicles, but I am torn on the question of locking up vehicles. I would rather have someone rifle through my car and not find anything to steal than to have them damage my car windows in order to rifle through a locked car. I'm not advising that others should keep their cars unlocked, but only saying that I don't lock my cars because when I have they have been damaged during attempted break-ins.

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