
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Union: Music City Center build good for outside billionaires; for Nashville workers, not so much

A crane operators' union watchdog website indicates that Karl Dean has not delivered the local "jobs, jobs, jobs!" as promised:

the $600 million convention center project – the largest public project in Tennessee history – has not been the boon to Nashville workers that Karl Dean promised. Major contracts have been awarded to out-of-state companies including Missouri-based Ceco, owned by billionaire Michael Heisley, who also owns the NBA's Memphis Grizzlies. The Dean administration refuses to release data to back up their claims that the project is meeting their ever-shifting local hiring goal.

So, the re-elect Karl Dean campaign is going around promoting convention center construction as a shelter of local workers against the recession but the Mayor's Office is not being transparent with the actual hiring numbers so that voters can judge for themselves.

1 comment:

  1. And I thought Enclave was a cool name...

    "Crane Watchdog" could be a History Channel series.
