
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Developer requesting mixed-use zoning change in Salemtown has not discussed intentions with the neighborhood

The Planning Department sent out a notice to neighbors in Salemtown affected by a request by the owner of two adjacent properties at 6th and Garfield. The developer submitted the application for rezoning almost 3 weeks ago, and this is the first time many of us are hearing about the request. I have yet to talk to anyone here who has heard from the owner or applicant. Metro Planning, which is currently reviewing the application relative to the community plan, describes the request thusly:

A request to rezone from the R6 to MUN district properties located at 1628 and 1630 6th Avenue North, at the southeast corner of 6th Avenue North and Garfield Street (0.27 acres), requested by R.J. York Homes LLC, applicant, Ray C. Nathurst, owner (case number: 2012Z-005PR-001)

Planning has placed the rezoning request on the Planning Commission meeting agenda for February 23, 2012 (at the Howard Office Building, 2nd Av, S). MUN ("mixed-use neighborhood") zoning requires structures to be built closer to the streetside of properties with parking in the back. While mixed-use sounds like a noble urban plan, it does not (as far as I can tell) specify the kind of retail (if any) allowable. Without knowing the developers' intentions it would be premature to support this plan. Moreover, we do not know whether it fits the last North Nashville Community Plan that a number of us living here helped inform.

I will post more information here as it is made available.

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