
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cohousing organizer gives Enclave the details on group's last meeting

Diane, one of the folks spearheading the cohousing group plans for a development at 5th and Taylor in Germantown, commented on a previous Enclave post on the project with more details, including good news regarding an old-growth Cottonwood:

There were 14 households represented in the site design workshop and we worked on Saturday brainstorming and discussing goals of the community. The group is interested in a multi-generational, multi-cultural community. The site was designed for some on street parking, a few garages and carports. Bike storage will be included. The community layout is designed in away that as people return to the community they walk past one another for social gatherings and contact on the common house patio. Sunday we worked with blocks and diagrams on the site to position how we wanted the housing, parking, bike storage, garden, play area, etc to be included. It was a lot of work but at the end everyone seemed really excited about it. For now the old Cottonwood tree is to remain and the children's play area under it will include a swing. The common house will have a wrap around porch partially under the tree.

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