
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Update: Germantown Commons cohousing group sets timeline for upcoming meetings

The new cohousing project on 5th Av N has a name, Germantown Commons and they appear to have reserved a new domain for their website. In the meantime, the Germantown cohousing website has a timeline that includes rapidly approaching meetings:

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, July 18-20 2012, 6pm – 9pm

Wednesday: Open Meeting
Common House Presentation | Free Event
Hatcher & Fell Photography Studio
1208 7th Avenue North
Nashville 37208

Thursday, Friday: Planning Meetings
Neighborhood Center Resource Center
1312 3rd Avenue North
Nashville 37208

Jump in and explore if this community is right for you. The group will establish the goals and priorities for the Common House as well as the specific activities to take place there. The purpose of this programming workshop is to establish specific agreed-upon guidelines that will be included as the basis for the design criteria for individual spaces within the building. The program will be used to develop schematic floor plans and elevations for the Common House.

Recommended Workshop Fee: $1,000
Deadline for Reservation: July 15
(Your workshop fee goes toward home equity and is matched with an additional $1,000 discount to give you a total benefit of $2,000 in your home.)

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