
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Don't even think about commenting on a new ballpark, peons. You are fresh out of time.

Your ignorance is your bliss. What you don't have time to know about this ballpark deal cannot hurt you (at least until 2014 when it is too late to change anything):

Once they break it, we will have bought it, ready or not.

UPDATE: Alright, there are several significant things I am learning that I believe I should share. Not like any of us has time do anything about them:

  • The agreement with the state contains a provision that Metro will pay the parking costs of state workers displaced by a ballpark at LPField, along with the costs of a shuttle service to carry them from and back to their cars.
  • The Mayor has crafted a proposal to expand this year's already approved capital budget by $10,000,000 more to accommodate a new ballpark at Sulphur Dell. He will present that at the next council meeting.
  • The Sounds are currently losing $1,000,000 per year, which may explain why the Mayor is not contactually binding them to sharing the costs of development, but instead relying on their good nature to volunteer the money.

If those are the some of the new things we are learning in less than one month, how many more are we going to learn after council approves this plan on December 10 at final reading?

1 comment:

  1. The councilmen from the Donelson-Hermitage area are hosting a community meeting December 5th at 7 o'clock at the Hermitage Police Precinct on James Kay Lane. The mayor's crew will be there, but those of us who live out here hope that our council people Stanley, Claiborne, Stites, and Glover would allow time for comments from the people to decide how they will vote.

    Would love to see money go into the fairgrounds, not another stadium. The fairgrounds makes money, when Rich Riebeling and Buck Dozier are not siphoning the money off.

    The mayor and his croanies have worked hard to keep the people out of the loop as much as possible on this baseball deal. He wants it to appear a done deal and his gift to North Nashville. There has go to be a smarter way to do business as a city. I am tired of my tax money being wasted on this mess. I am ready to throw my teabags into the Cumberland.
