
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Schöne Ansicht Bad Salemtown Neighbor Once Again

Friday night/Saturday morning was a fun-filled time for Salemtown neighbors living around Schöne Ansicht who were awakened to graduation party-goers spilling out of a townhouse and into neighbors yards to take their pisses and to form drunken, juvenile-style fight clubs for two or three hours after midnight. The townhouse hosting the offending party is located at 510 Hume Street (in the infamous Schöne Ansicht complex) and it is owned by Joel Ridley and Eric Wood, Jr.

The Metro Police were called and they showed up on two occasions and basically did not seem motivated to some to discourage the extracurricular activities that basically constituted violations like trespassing and indecent exposure. Neighbors told me that one police officer excused the late night capers as a Meharry Medical graduation party, which required no police action. Sounds like those old tapes are playing again.

UPDATE: 510 Hume St. owner strives to make amends.

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