
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Long Time Developers' Lobbyist Hoisted on a Pithfork

Lost in the weekend's maelstrom of reanimated English Only and of the Planning Commission controversy was PiTW reporter Matt Pulle's scoop on a Waller Lansden lawyer who is "the most prolific lobbyist at the courthouse." Pulle maintains that the lobbyist of choice for Nashville's premiere developers tried to manipulate the directon of a story on a possible conflict of interest between his lobby work and his service on the State Fair board. No surprise that developers are taking a keen interest in what becomes of the Fair Grounds. CM Mike Jameson defended the lobbyist, who then seemed to punish Jameson for his good deed.

I would criticize such actions, but courthouse moderates might call me "goo goo" if I do.

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