I generally do not comment on this blog. I do however want to encourage the developer(s) of 7th and Garfield to pause and reconsider their position. I found the residents feedback very helpful in finalizing plans for 5th and Garfield. Even though our development is on hold we have ready a plan that is both pleasing to the eye and one that could possibly earn recognition from the Metropolitan Historic Commission. Listening to planners can make a good plan great.Developers who get it approach neighborhoods and planners for feedback and try to incorporate some of the ideas they hear. The ones who don't get it assume they have nothing to learn from the community and that they are doing everyone else a favor by doing it their way.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Proof that Not All Developers Deserve Scorn
Enclave commenter Jim responds to the news that Metro Planning has been critical of the Ardelia Park concept:
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