
Friday, January 14, 2011

Deanieleaks #1: Mayor's Office e-mail correspondence on the State Fairgrounds

I have obtained a series of e-mail exchanges between the Mayor's Office and the Fair Board that indicate a considerable degree of action coordination on the public relations effort to sell the Mayor's plan to convert the Fairgrounds into private real estate. These e-mails make what we actually saw play out in council hearings and media reports seem staged.

The first series of e-mails between Executive Director of the State Fair, Buck Dozier, and the Mayor's economic development czar, Alexia Poe. What is interesting to me about this exchange is the way Dozier referred to local news media as a contributor to his military-like campaign strategy:

[Original Message]
From: Dozier, Buck (State Fair)
To: "Alexia Poe"
Subject: Racing
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010 2:17:15 PM

I believe Mr. [Tony] Formosa [racetrack operator] has retained Earnhardt to come in an race, I believe in the last big race of the season.

They are going to announce it later today. It won't do any good, however it will cause some heavy PR. But it will go away after that.

Are we planning a big announcement next week about this property, and does the H. Hollow property a part of the announcement? [refers to Mayor's original plan to move fleamarket to Antioch]

My guys are telling me Channel 4 had a blurb about it.

[Reply Message]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 2:29 PM
To: Dozier, Buck (State Fair)
Subject: Re: Racing

We are still working on some issues - there is no plan for an announcement next week.

Thanks Buck.


[Reply Message]
From: Dozier, Buck (State Fair)
To: ""
Subject: RE: Racing
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010 2:33:57 PM

Thanks. I will relax the troops, with much thanks to ch.4

I will continue to publish more e-mails in the run-up to Tuesday's council consideration of the Fairgrounds bills.

1 comment:

  1. Buck Dozier is being paid $90,000 year plus benefits by the citizens of Nashville to destroy the fairgrounds and the racetrack behind closed doors.
    I wonder exactly how many hours this man who cannot spell actually works to earn $90,000?

    Not only should an ivestigation be opened by the Metro Council, Dozier should be brought before the Council and the people questiones like they did with Roy Wilson from the Parks Department. He should be fired immediately and never offered another Metro job again. After that, the TBI should be brought in.Can you imagine how any other Metro employee caught sabotoging their department would be treated?

    Yes, there is no other word. Wikipedia -Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction. In a workplace setting, sabotage is the conscious withdrawal of efficiency generally directed at causing some change in workplace conditions. One who engages in sabotage is a saboteur. As a rule, saboteurs try to conceal their identities because of the consequences of their actions. For example, whereas an environmental pressure group might be happy to be identified with an act of sabotage, it would not want the individual identities of the perpetrators known.
