
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rich Riebeling, The Demolition Man, says he can only "guess" on the cost of tearing down the track

You would think that the Metro Finance Director would be able to reel off exact budget figures to the press, given that he is set on taking out the Fairgrounds:
Metro Finance Director Rich Riebeling said this week there is no cost estimate on the demolition of the property’s racetrack, a course of action that is outlined in a bill nine council members are co-sponsoring. The bill, set for a crucial second of three votes on Jan. 18, would also retain the property’s expo center and annual state fair for at least one more year.

Riebeling has signed off on the availability of funds for the ordinance.

“I’m guessing that it’s in the half-million-dollar range,” Riebeling said, referring to the track’s demolition. “That’s a pure guess.”
Allow me to suggest that taxpayers do not pay Mr. Riebeling to make guesses, no matter how pure.


  1. Look at his hand on that drink!

    He's shooting us a bird.........

  2. "In God we trust, all others must verify."

    Edward Denning
