Saturday, February 07, 2015

Poverty & gentrification in the North End

Metro's map: 20% to 100% people in poverty in the North End

According to a study of poverty in rich countries:
United States poverty rates are at or near the top of the range when compared with poverty rates in other rich countries. The United States child and elderly poverty rates seem particularly troublesome. America’s elders also have poverty rates that are high, particularly on relative grounds. In most rich countries, the relative child poverty rate is 10 percent or less; in the United States, it is 21.9 percent. What seems most distinctive about the American poor, especially poor American single parents, is that they work more hours than do the resident parents of other nations while also receiving less in transfer benefits than in other countries

From Governing map: Salemtown definitely gentrified 2009-2013

Governing's "gentrification" explanation:
lower-income Census tracts experienced significant growth in both home values and educational attainment. To be eligible to gentrify, a tract's median household income and median home value needed to fall within the bottom 40th percentile of all tracts within a metro area at the beginning of the decade. Tracts considered to have gentrified recorded increases in the top third percentile for both inflation-adjusted median home values and percentage of adults with bachelors’ degrees. 

Is there a correlation between poverty and gentrification in Salemtown?

1 comment:

  1. Someone posted this on another blog. You may find it interesting.
