RE: Fairgrounds Legislation
My information is the pellets had not been SOLD since going on line, but they indeed have been produced. I have some of the finished product.
Also…the de-watering conveyer belt is said to be a temporary fix that might be corrected as of next week (they were to finish repairs this week) so we shall see. Still, it has been 5 months of portable de-watering that neighbors apparently were not prepared for.I would encourage Metro Water information officers whom I know are reading this to contact me directly in the future about problems they have with my reportage of media reports. To MWS employees who have issue with information, I am responsible for what is written here.
Xinhua reporters at the scene saw workers in Metro Water Services uniforms laying fabric-like material and boom in the water and on the shore. The slick has darkened grass on the shore.I am not aware of any disclosures to the public about the nature or degree of the spill across the Downtown Connector Greenway. NewsChannel5 covered efforts to contain a spill on the East Bank, but no local news media covered the East Germantown spill. They left it up to the Chinese.
Workers at the scene said they are not authorized to speak to media, and phone calls to Metro Water Services went unanswered.
Rachel Vance, a spokeswomen with Nashville Emergency Operations center ... confirmed to Xinhua it was indeed an oil leak, and authorities were still trying to determine its origin ....
"They don’t know why [oil sludge spilled] yet, they are just trying to get a remedy as quickly as possible,” she said, noting more information could become available Wednesday.
The Coast Guard was assisting local authorities in their efforts. Jason Kuriaen, a Coast Guard member said they are trying to identify the source of the spill, as local workers focused on mitigating the impact of the oil spill.
He said the spill seemed to be a mixture of waste oil and oily sludge, and they are still in the process of making contact with companies in the area and gathering information.
Powers Management, which runs the arena for Metro, has routinely charged a facility fee of $2.50 as part of the price of a concert ticket, despite a stated cap in the lease of $2 for ticket surcharges on "non-team events." Powers executives said the additional 50 cents from each concertgoer, which they described as a standard industry practice, has netted the company $150,000 to $200,000 a year since at least 2002 to help pay for building maintenance.If the heavily-subsidized Predators ownership team cannot meet their financial obligations without cheating the system and overcharging consumers of non-hockey events, then Nashville should re-evaluate whether it is in our city's best interest to continue to prop up a flagging business interest.
[According to a proposed dogs-in-diners bill] dogs must be kept on a lease and will not be allowed on chairs, tables or other furnishings ....
"The restaurant would have to be constructed as such the dogs can enter [the outdoor dining area] without have to go through the restaurant, there can be no co-mingling of food bowls to food preparation products from the dogs to the restaurant itself," Brent Hager with the Metro Public Health Department explained. [Incorrect spelling in the original online story left unchanged]
With the addition of a ballpark in Sulphur Dell, you would have a winning environment to make the uptown area one of Nashville’s treasures and gateway to a revitalized North Nashville.
Calling this area "Uptown" makes no geographic sense .... Historically, "uptowns" were those areas at the opposite end from "downtowns" with "midtowns" in between. Or "uptowns" were parts of towns where the street numbers rose (like "above 59th St." in Manhattan). By both of those definitions, Nashville's Uptown should not be in the north end of town, but in west Nashville.Hence, not only do I disagree with Jason on his views of a new ballpark, but I also disagree with his labels for these downtown-proximate neighborhoods to the north.
So, if we're going to call the area we live in "Uptown," one of two things happens. One improbable scenario is that Nashville's Midtown moves to the Bicentennial Mall area (formerly "Sulphur Dell," now "The Market District," in hackneyed-haute fashion), and streets above Broadway should be numbered instead of named. A more likely scenario is that we acknowledge that we name communities now with no meaning or purpose, other than that which people contend over. To paraphrase political scientist Jean Bethke Elshtain communities are "floating signifiers."In that vein, you could call this area "Rural Free Delivery" and enough power and/or money could probably make it stick ....
But if logic won't suffice and you truly require someone more "official" to legitimate the name "North End," look no further than Metro Planning. They used the term "North End" on one of their 2005 maps (look left). And I played no advisory role in that process (read my inset disclaimer). In fact, I liked their use of it, I thought it logical, and I simply followed suit.
The neighborhoods, businesses and developments around Sulphur Dell are vibrant, supportive of a new ball park and poised for further growth. Downtown workers and residents, in addition to the surrounding neighborhoods of Germantown, Buena Vista, Salemtown and Hope Gardens and condos in the Sulphur Dell area, have the population to anchor attendance at games.As an elected representative from Salemtown on Jason's ballpark committee, I guess I have some latitude to write a minority report, because our association is not as unquestioning in support of a ballpark as this op-ed seems to suggest.
Jefferson Street is bustling with energy, and a Sulphur Dell stadium would boost the corridor’s economic development potential ....
The location is already well-suited for professional baseball. Imagine grabbing a meal in Germantown or at the Farmers Market, then relaxing at Bicentennial Mall before strolling to the ballpark to catch a game ....
Sulphur Dell’s location in the northern urban core is ideal in terms of transportation. It is bordered by Jefferson Street, which intersects two interstates. Rosa L. Parks Boulevard runs on the opposite side of the Farmers Market and connects to another interstate. Parking is abundant and space exists for added parking spots ....
The consensus of neighborhood advocates was that they needed to band together on principle to help protect each other’s adopted community plans. This because they said city officials with regularity try to sneak through SP (special project) plans that favored certain property owners at the expense of the greater community.
Salemtown is a great neighborhood and we are excited to be a part of the positive transformation taking shape in the area. This award comes at a time when developers in the neighborhood have a choice between quality-oriented development or "hoe-hum" projects that put profit before all else.
What to do with the plot of land on which old Greer Stadium sits once the Sounds move Downtown? Tear down the stadium and build an extension of Fort Negley as a Civil War tourist attraction or build to suit a women’s fast pitch softball team? Why not “yes” to both? Baseball and the Civil War seemed to be so intertwined that soldiers often stocked bats along with their firearms. One of my favorite Civil War-baseball anecdotes comes from Geoffrey Ward and Ken Burns:
A Union soldier named George Putnam recalled playing between the lines in Texas when “suddenly there came a scattering of fire of which the three outfielders caught the brunt; the center field was hit and captured, the left and right field managed to get back into our lines. The attack … was repelled without serious difficulty, but we had lost not only our center field, but … the only baseball in Alexandria, Texas.”
The historic connections justify both future uses.
Instead, the 80-year-old brick building on Gallatin Avenue has become a makeshift homeless camp inside and out with broken windows, discarded cigarette butts, piles of 40-ounce malt liquor bottles, blankets and garbage littering the property.
The building has sunk into disrepair under the care of North Edgefield Organized Neighbors, a nonprofit organization that has received more than $189,000 in grant funding from Metro since the 2005-06 budget year.
East Nashville community leaders say attempts to reach NEON regarding the firehouse have been unsuccessful, leaving the future of the would-be community center in doubt. The listed phone number for NEON has been disconnected, and the organization's offices on Meridian Street also appear to be inactive.
According to the federal indictment, Galaxy Star founder Lonnie Greenlee allowed the Bloods to use the nonprofit's building as a sort of headquarters, where gang members organized, coordinated efforts to acquire guns, plotted a takeover of East Nashville's drug trade and even nearly beat a man to death.I am not so naive to think that malfeasance could not happen under a government service provider, but it is reasonable enough to assume that checks and balances provide for better regulatory oversight than do services built on voluntarism. Oversight is bound to go lax where volunteers are involved. Because community services depend on volunteers and not on government workers with budgetary obligations to elected officials, obligation to the taxpaying voters is removed and the chances of abuse increase.
Among the allegations in the indictment was that Galaxy Star worker Rodney Britton provided fake community service hours in exchange for money. Sometimes Greenlee arranged the deals, records show. Other times, it was his son, Lonnie Newsome.
Mayor Karl Dean wants to use property taxes from as many as two dozen downtown developments to repay $25 million the city would borrow to buy land for a convention center hotel ....Unlike the tourism taxes, which the state requires Metro to spend on a new convention center, these property taxes are a windfall that could be spent on any public infrastructure that might serve the broadest common good. Instead, the $25 million is going to subsidize a hotel which will serve the hotel first, the local restaurant and entertainment industry next, and the business special interests in general next. Any service that might be provided to the public by these property taxes comes in a distant last.
Some council members and citizens are questioning this particular use of the tool, known as tax-increment financing [TIF], saying it uses money that might otherwise be spent improving streets and other urban infrastructure.
Usually in tax-increment financing, new tax revenue from the development being funded is used to pay back the city. But in this case, because the city has already offered Omni Hotels a substantial discount on its property taxes, there is little left to reap, so the city proposes to turn to taxes from other properties to pay for the land.
From: "Starks, Charles (NCC)"
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 07:00:17 -0500
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Today's Tennessean
Good morning,
I wanted to share the following article from this morning's Tennessean with you.
Gail Kerr: Country Music Hall of Fame is big winner in Omni hotel deal
From: dianen01@sprint.blackberry.net
Date: August 26, 2010 3:51:59 PM CDT
To: Council Members
Subject: Fw: On-line Business Journal Article from today
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From: "Starks, Charles (NCC)"
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 15:28:39 -0500
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: On-line Business Journal Article from today
Good afternoon,
I wanted to share the following on-line from the Business Journal this afternoon with you.
Thursday, August 26, 2010, 7:57am CDT | Modified: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 1:20pm
Rowling steps down from Gaylord board
Nashville Business Journal
Charles L. Starks | Executive Director
Nashville Convention Center | 601 Commerce Street | Nashville | TN | 37203-3724
P:615-742-2002 | F:615-742-2104
charles.starks@nashville.gov | www.nashvilleconventionctr.com
350,000 sf exhibit space | 18,000 sf junior ballroom
57,500 sf ballroom | 57 meeting rooms
Click here to check out the construction webcam!
From: dianen01@sprint.blackberry.net
Date: August 26, 2010 3:51:27 PM CDT
To: Council Members
Subject: Fw: Nashville Business Journal Article
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From: "Starks, Charles (NCC)"
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 15:24:43 -0500
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Nashville Business Journal Article
Good afternoon,
I wanted to share the following Medical Trade Center article that appeared in last week's Business Journal.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Nashville may get later start in race for Medical Trade Center
Daugherty: Medical mart still on track to open in 2013
Nashville Business Journal - by Brandon Gee Staff Writer
From: dianen01@sprint.blackberry.net
Date: August 26, 2010 3:50:45 PM CDT
To: Council Members
Subject: Fw: Someone has sent you a message from nashvillecitypaper.com
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From: "Diane"
Sender: webmaster@nashvillecitypaper.com
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 14:34:34 -0500
ReplyTo: "Diane"
Subject: Someone has sent you a message from nashvillecitypaper.com
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Published on Nashville City Paper: Nashville's Online Source for Daily News (http://nashvillecitypaper.com)
Music City Center leaders reach out to Hispanic construction workers
By sphillips
Created 08/26/2010 - 10:09am
A recall election ousted the six-year Metro Council member last year. Some people who helped boot Murray from office said she's holding a grudge and knocking on doors demanding to know why they voted for her opponent.Sannithia Hendricks said it used to be a challenge keeping drug dealers and other criminals out of her East Nashville community. But these days, Hendricks and others said, they are fearful of their former Metro Council member.
"I mean, I know you're upset because you lost, but when you came to my door, you intimidated me, and that makes me feel bad," said Hendricks.
Hendricks was one of numerous District Five voters who signed a petition last year that led to the contentious recall election. Murray lost the historic election by three votes to Jamie Hollin.
Thanks for considering my blog. I generally don't advertise gratis, but I have a proposal for the Food Network. I will be happy to publicize a casting call for The Next Food Network Star if your company would match a donation I recently made to a flood relief organization here out of revenue my blog generated from Google Ads . I recently made a $150 donation to the North Nashville Flood Relief (http://www.northnashvillefloodrelief.com/), which organizes volunteers and donations for recovery of neighborhoods along the Cumberland River in North Nashville. As you probably know, Nashville suffered catastrophic 500-year floods in the early part of last May and many communities still need help.Not sure the proposal sounds very good to The Food Network, because they have not even acknowledged receipt of it. It seemed to me to be a square deal wherein the suits could have given a little back to my local community in exchange for some free local exposure. I guess the food-oriented entertainment industry figures it can swipe more smoochy on the house from other Nashville bloggers.
So, how does this proposal sound? In exchange for a $150 donation from CBS or The Food Network to NNFRG, I will blog the invitation to your casting call, including all of the important information in the press release.