Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Werthan Only Half-Right, and I'm Not Even Sure That Half is Serious

These [historic overlay movements] are reactions to local problems, but they're not starting with an overarching vision of Nashville .... It's a patchwork of solutions.

- - Tony Werthan, Developer in comments to the Tennessean

And that is exactly the way many developers seem to want it. They would rather fight the zoning battle on a property-by-property basis, because when they go before zoning boards, planning commissions, committee meetings, and council gatherings they are still on the clock. Other non-developer property owners have to take time off from work and income for every single zoning issue that concerns their holding or dwelling. Fighting zoning battles on a case-by-case basis puts developers at a distinct advantage over the rest of us who do not always have time for every single development issue concerning our neighborhoods.

We do need an overarching vision of Nashville, but if developers refuse to help formlate an overarching vision for neighborhoods, then why should we believe that they are really interested in formulating an overall vision of Nashville for anything more than a torpedo to sink popular support for more informed and balanced planning at the micro-level?

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