The Mexican Border has become a symbol in Nashville's political life because it is a lightning rod for many on the right who claim to have a problem with speaking Spanish and harboring illegal Mexican aliens. But Council Member David Briley pointed out to me
at lunch the other day that, because of INS policy, large numbers of Kurds have relocated to Nashville.

This morning's
City Paper brings word of violence involving Kurdish gangs (but whom is
NCP reporter Jared Allen assuming are the traditional gangs? The Jets and the Sharks? Cue music: "When you're a Jet you're a top cat in town ...").
Yet, I have not seen any political ads with candidates walking a Kurdistan border and telling us that these immigrants bring gang violence to our shores as they tell of Mexicans. What are the chances that we will see an anti-Kurd backlash rivaling the anti-Mexican one in Middle Tennessee?
"What are the chances that we will see an anti-Kurd backlash rivaling the anti-Mexican one in Middle Tennessee"
The Anti "Illegal Immigration" folks LOVE legal immigrants. In fact, most of them would give anything just to know what it's like to come to America. As for Illegal Immigrants...they are pond scum who should be shot at the border.
The difference between complete love and complete hate is the proper documentation...well, at least that is what the media would have us believe.
"Yet, I have not seen any political ads with candidates walking a Kurdistan border and telling us that these immigrants bring gang violence to our shores as they tell of Mexicans. What are the chances that we will see an anti-Kurd backlash rivaling the anti-Mexican one in Middle Tennessee?"
cause we don't share a border with Kurdistan. We do with Mexico.
and I'm confussed (seriously) what kind of position is being Anti Illegal Immiagration?