Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sprawl More Manly than Density

Paul Krugman on conservatives' hatred of conservation in a metropolitan context:
The funny thing, though, is that these days it’s mostly the other way around. As I noted a while back, a lot of anti-environmentalism in America these days is about symbolism. And I think the same thing is true about pro-sprawl commentary. Consider the case of Portland, Oregon. Conservatives really, really hate on Portland; examples here and here. Aside from the tendency to engage in factual errors, the hate seems disproportionate to the cause. But it’s an aesthetic thing: conservatives seem deeply offended by anything that challenges the image of Americans as big men driving big cars.

1 comment:

  1. conservatives seem deeply offended by anything that challenges the image of Americans as big WHITE, STRAIGHT, CHRISTIAN men driving big cars.

    Fixed your typos.
