Above is the first unrevised layout of the main neighborhood ID signs and the street ID signs for the Salemtown Streetscape Improvement design by Ashworth Environmental Design and Ragan Smith. It was introduced at the December block grant meeting, and the Salemtown Citizen Advisory Committee already made several requests for changes, like moving the main ID sign at Buchanan and Rosa Parks dead end to the Buchanan and 7th four-way intersection. If you are interested in giving me feedback to take back to the committee or attending a future meeting and expressing it yourself, e-mail me.
Salemtown Neighbors Neighborhood Association passed a resolution last week to vote on the CAC's final design and express support to council member Erica Gilmore at the appropriate time to get results from Metro Council, which has final say on the design.
UPDATE: Here's what the minutes from the December CAC meeting say about the sign discussion:
There was discussion about the placement of neighborhood ID signs. Ms. Ashworth [architect] suggested placing neighborhood signs at the four main corners that define the Salemtown neighborhood. CAC members commented on the preliminary locations and advised moving several signs away from dead-end streets and the interior of the neighborhood to locations on more prominent entryways to the neighborhood such as Third Avenue.
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