Fenway Park (Boston, MA), a century ago
Ballpark at Arlington (Arlington, TX), two weeks ago
the federal gas tax of 18.4 cents per gallon, last raised 14 years ago, would have to go up at least 3 cents by 2009 and 7 cents more by 2015 just to maintain the current [national] highway system and keep pace with the fast-rising cost of roads.We can assume that paying for Tennessee's dependence on highways would mirror the national trend.
[Planning Commission] Action [on Item 2007Z-049U-08]: Disapprove (8-0) request to rezone to R6, but approve a rezone to RS7.5 on Parcels 491, 492 and 493 of Map 081-08.Remember: R6 allows duplexes and RS7.5 requires single-family homes. Hence, if Metro Council approves of the Commission's Action, then 2 rather than 6 duplexes will be allowed to be built at 6th and Garfield. If the Duplex Kings intend to build anything else under these conditions, they must be single-family homes.
The Planning Commission's action to disapprove the request for a rezoning to R6 but approve a rezone to parcels 491, 492, and 493 to RS7.5 is a recommendation to the Metro Council. As this is a recommendation not a final decision, it cannot be appealed. The Metro Council will be the final decision maker in this case. As the Planning Commission recommended disapproval of the original request, that request would need to have 27 votes in favor at the Council to pass. An appeal of a Council decision would go through the courts.The Planning Commission's recommendation would require a simple majority of Council Members voting to pass. If we can get either 21 Council Members to support the Planning Commission or 14 Council Members to commit to voting against the Duplex Kings' original request, Salemtown will get a more balanced residential development at the important intersection of 6th and Garfield.
Our undercover detectives received a tip regarding a shipment of drugs into your neighborhood. Our undercover guys and several marked units were in the area when the dope dealer arrived. Needless to say, he didn't want to stop and chit chat with us, so the chase was on. He wrecked his car and tried to run on foot, but our healthy officers caught him and arrested him with a large quantity of cocaine along with drug scales and drug paraphernalia; his money and his vehicle were seized.
Employees ... shall not accept meals, beverages, food, free or discounted admissions, tickets, access to events or travel expenses from any single source of an aggregate Value in any calendar year in excess of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), provided that an employee may accept from the sponsoring organization, on behalf of himself and a guest, free or discounted admissions, tickets or access of a face value in excess of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) if the event is generally recognized as an annual fund raising benefit sponsored by a non-profit organization.To put it in clear terms: Council Members will have a meal allowance of up to $100 each year from patron organizations that might step up to feed them on meeting nights. Currently, Council Members are responsible for providing their own meals during meetings, which sounds both appropriate and easier to police. If the bulk of Metro employees have to provide their own meals during their work days, why should Metro Council Members be any different? If you believe that being a council member and feeding yourself is too difficult, then do not run for Metro Council.
I would like to make a comment on the mixed messages sent. That was not my intention; it was actually a misunderstanding on my part. The Salem Garden project at the corner of 6th and Garfield, was slated to discharge underground. I assumed that this project [Schoene Ansicht] would be done the same way.Late last year, another Schoene Ansicht owner, Taurus McCain had met with Salemtown Neighbors and said that the Water Department was opposing plans to have water run-off at the surface of Salem Gardens. He also mentioned that the Salem Gardens partnership would try and enlist the association's support allow their partnership to discharge water on the surface rather than underground.
The bloggers used the usual tools of good journalists everywhere — determination, insight, ingenuity — plus a powerful new force that was not available to reporters until blogging came along: the ability to communicate almost instantaneously with readers via the Internet and to deputize those readers as editorial researchers, in effect multiplying the reporting power by an order of magnitude.The Times writer provides a fairly breath-taking account of TPM's handle on the developing scandal including unearthing a largely ignored national pattern of firings after an initial story hit the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette in December.
Megan Barry [advocates] eliminating the use of a system, whereby council members are allocated $50,000 each to spread around their district as they please. Megan notes that the original purpose of those funds was to make infrastructural improvements, like filling potholes, and [it] wasn't designed to be a piggy bank for not-for-profits, as it is now. She also thinks that some of the allocations to not-for-profits haven't passed "the test" when it comes to public funds going to organizations with ties to organized religion. According to Megan, a better use of those funds (roughly 2 million dollars) might be to fully fund the Homeless Power project, which needs an additional 2.3 million.Ms. Barry sets a refreshing change of pace in this race.
[Council Member Jim] Forkum, North and others probably want to avert a replay of the situation that seized school board District 5 in 2006, when the sudden departure of Board Member Rev. Lisa Hunt led to the interim appointment of home-school parent Kay Brooks, who was unseated in the subsequent election by now-incumbent Gracie Porter.For the sake of the Metro Council's reputation and the good of representative democracy, let's hope so.
Metro Council Finance Committee Chairman Rip Ryman (Dist. 10), who also resides in the district North wants to represent, said this morning, "I think he'll be a good one. I would think that the vast majority of all the council members [who represent portions of] that district would probably support him."
Already-independent senator leaves GOPThe rest of the article also reads like an effort to soften the symbolic blow.
Longtime maverick state Sen. Mike Williams dropped his Republican Party allegiance Wednesday, choosing to become an independent and breaking his tenuous ties to the GOP leadership.
I live in the condos right across from this proposed building. I can walk to the grocery store, the library, the community center and the police station (hope I don't need to). We are lacking sidewalks, but it is very close-knit, walkable and friendly NOW.She also tells me that the neighborhood is doing everything possible to stop the expansion that Council Members J.B. Loring and Harold White seem to be promoting without community feedback.
Today, diminished federal regulation, AT&T's acquisition of BellSouth and its business and technology strategies are winning both more favorable reviews from investment analysts and rising pressure for earnings — further emboldening AT&T to attempt to shed as much state and local regulation as possible.They are already busting out their britches and they have been lobbying the GenAss en masse for less public oversight of their private operations in Tennessee. Given the real possibility that a deregulated, emboldened AT&T means less competition in local markets, I'd like to know where the heck the conservative free marketeers are to fight Ma Bell II when we need them?